2 Events
2 Exchanges
1 Track 1/1.5/2
21CQ is interested in the future of the Quebec Question for two reasons:
1. The defensive posture: If Quebec should ever secede, the Canadian federation would dissolve.
2. The offensive posture: Without Quebeckers – particularly francophone Quebeckers – dreaming about, and invested in, the continuous building and evolution of the Canadian federation, Canada is de-energized (not firing on all cylinders) – intellectually, culturally, politically and economically.
21CQ engages both postures concurrently. To this end, 21CQ’s key objectives include:
21CQ will makes its arguments and interventions in support of its goals through conferences, briefings, publications, private and public interventions, as well as Track 1, Track 1.5 and Track 2 initiatives in Quebec and in other parts of Canada.
21CQ is interested in the future of the Quebec Question for two reasons:
1. The defensive posture: If Quebec should ever secede, the Canadian federation would dissolve.
2. The offensive posture: Without Quebeckers – particularly francophone Quebeckers – dreaming about, and invested in, the continuous building and evolution of the Canadian federation, Canada is de-energized (not firing on all cylinders) – intellectually, culturally, politically and economically.
21CQ engages both postures concurrently. To this end, 21CQ’s key objectives include:
21CQ will makes its arguments and interventions in support of its goals through conferences, briefings, publications, private and public interventions, as well as Track 1, Track 1.5 and Track 2 initiatives in Quebec and in other parts of Canada.