International Criminal Justice

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Deterring mass crimes that shock the conscience of humanity and dispensing justice for the victims of atrocity crimes are not only moral imperatives, but have direct incidence on security, stability and prospects for development in countries and regional theatres plagued by conflict. In historical terms, the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the international criminal justice system that it is building are in their infancy and face a series of challenges. Global support will be required to overcome these challenges.

21CQ is interested in strengthening and making the emerging system of international criminal justice more effective. To this end, it will be undertaking the following streams of initiatives:

    1. promoting global awareness and a richer understanding of the ICC and its activities – in particular, in regions underrepresented at the ICC, such as the Middle East.
    2. supporting ratification of the Rome Statute and its implementing legislation initiatives.
    3. promoting the ratification of the Kampala Amendments on the Crime of Aggression (Resolution RC/Res. 6) through expert consultations, public awareness campaigns, publications, and the organization of high-level diplomatic/ministerial conferences.
    4. strengthening the capacity of national jurisdictions to adequately investigate and prosecute mass crimes.
    5. contributing to academic and policy debates about the relationship between peace and justice.

21CQ will be making its contributions in support of its objectives through expert consultations, conferences (diplomatic or other), retreats, briefings, publications, as well as private and public interventions and initiatives.

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